DUI Accident Attorneys in Louisville, KY
Seek the compensation you deserve after your accident with a drunk driver.
We’re taught from a young age that drinking and driving is bad, and for good reason. When someone gets behind the wheel after a few drinks, they are putting themselves and everyone they pass in danger. At Nutt Law Office, we’re serious about protecting the rights of anyone who has been injured because of a drunk driver in the Louisville area.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a DUI-related accident, you deserve to be compensated for your injuries and any damage to your property. The attorneys at Nutt Law Office work tirelessly to make sure our clients are taken care of emotionally and financially.
Discover what Nutt Law Office can accomplish on your behalf, and meet with our skilled personal injury attorneys for a free initial consultation. We’ll help you collect the necessary evidence to prove who was at fault for the accident and recover the compensation you need.

DUI Related Accident Attorneys in Louisville, KY
Call Us Today | (502) 589-0635
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Seek the compensation you deserve after your accident with a drunk driver.
We’re taught from a young age that drinking and driving is bad, and for good reason. When someone gets behind the wheel after a few drinks, they are putting themselves and everyone they pass in danger. At Nutt Law Office, we’re serious about protecting the rights of anyone who has been injured because of a drunk driver in the Louisville area.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a DUI-related accident, you deserve to be compensated for your injuries and any damage to your property. The attorneys at Nutt Law Office work tirelessly to make sure our clients are taken care of emotionally and financially.
Discover what Nutt Law Office can accomplish on your behalf, and meet with our skilled personal injury attorneys for a free initial consultation. We’ll help you collect the necessary evidence to prove who was at fault for the accident and recover the compensation you need.